Congress Venue

Congress Venue


Teatro “Cartiere Carrara”


It dates back to 1978 the first season of activity of Teatro Tenda, the historic structure that stood where the Cartiere Carrara Theater now stands, inaugurated by Steve Lacy’s concert.
An abandoned plot of land on the right bank of the Arno became the landing place for an old green and yellow circus tent that from that moment would stop hosting only acrobats and animals and start hosting actors and musicians.

Thus could begin, even in Florence, the “season of the tents”; that brief and magical period in which all the great cities of Italy, starting with Rome, saw the rise of these structures that seemed to be able to solve on their own the age-old problem of the lack of space for entertainment. The “tents” represented an outgrowth of the classical theatrical space, which although, in its comforts, was too “congealed” for the political and social reality of those years. For rock and light music in general, people went to discos and dance halls or – more often – took the train and car to cities with more facilities. The Tent was thus the right space to accommodate this whole set of new needs. This is evidenced by the many as heterogeneous initiatives that have taken place over the years.

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Registration & Discounts

Registration & Discounts

Registration Fee

Full Delegate
Until  October 31st, 2024: € 500,00
Between November 1st, 2024 and November 30th, 2024: € 750,00
Between November 30th, 2024 and March 2nd, 2025: € 840,00
Between March 3rd, 2025 and May 25th, 2025: € 1.220,00
On Site Registration € 1500,00

Emerging Countries Delegate Continue reading “Registration & Discounts”